Quant discussion


Author: Rahul Dodhia
Posted: May 25, 2007
Last Modified: October 15, 2007

This article is continuously updated. For the latest version, please go to



Did you know that 54% of all statistics are made up on the

Okay, you may not have fallen for that one, but there are
plenty of real-life examples that bait the mind. For
example, data from a 1988 census suggest that there is a
high correlation between the number of churches and the
number of violent crimes in US counties. The implied
message from this correlation is that religion and crime
are linked, and some would even use this to support the
preposterous sounding hypothesis that religion causes
crimes, or there is something in the nature of people that
makes the two go together. That would be quite shocking,
but alert statisticians would immediately point out that it
is a spurious correlation. Counties with a large number of
churches are likely to have large populations. And the
larger the population, the larger the number of crimes.1

Statistical literacy is not a skill that is widely accepted as
necessary in education. Therefore a lot of misuse of
statistics is not intentional, just uninformed. But that does
not mitigate its danger when misused. If we were to seek a
positive slant on this, it means that there is some low-
hanging fruit, some concepts that can be easily learnt so
that one can have a deeper understanding of the myriad of
reported statistics. The following sections point out some
ways in which statistical literacy can be increased.


Graphics are a great way of communicating data, but a
chart for a chart’s sake is not always a good idea. Here are
some common ways that charts confuse rather than


The following chart compares the return on investment
for two mutual funds in successive years. To someone
glancing at the chart, it would appear that Fund B
outperformed Fund A slightly in three years.


Here is the same data in more conventional but less pretty
format. Now it is clear that Fund A outperformed Fund B
in 3 out of 4 years, not the other way around.


Three dimensional depictions of data are hard to perceive
clearly, and the general rule of thumb is to only use as
many dimensions as the data one is trying to show. In the
example here, there are only two ordered dimensions:
year and percent return. The third factor, Fund type, is
unordered. Therefore only two dimensions should be








Group A
Group B

Percent Return on Investment






year1 year2 year3 year4

Percent Return on Investment

Group A Group B


The data from a poll question asking respondents which
party would win in the presidential elections showed the
following percentage responses.


The democrats appear to have an advantage over the
other two groups. But take a look at the scale on the
vertical axis. It has a very narrow range, and one could
argue that this scale exaggerates the differences among
the three groups. Now take a look at the following graph
which extends the scale to 0.


It would appear that there’s a dead heat among all three
groups. Which is the correct graph to show? I would
argue the second graph is better, since it minimizes,
probably correctly, the differences between the three
groups. In general, it is better to show the end points of
the scale, or at least one of them.

Another example of how the vertical scale can influence
conclusions is shown in this graph by CNN:



In the previous example, you would not have to be a
statistician to suspect that the results are far from
conclusive that Democrats would win. All we’re doing is
comparing means, and we have no idea how reliable the
poll results are. What we need, and what a statistician
would insist upon, is a measure of uncertainty. By adding
standard error bars, the following graph provides more
evidence that no group is really ahead of any of the others.


In this graph, the average response for each group is
accentuated by the standard error bar. It provides
evidence that the differences among the groups are likely
due to chance. Another poll somewhere else or at a
different time might show the Republicans leading the


1. Avoid 3-D charts. If you have 2-dimensions to display,
use a 2-d chart. Use 3-d charts if you have 3-
dimensions to display, and then only if the third
dimension can’t be incorporated into a 2-d graph.

2. Have a scale that’s relevant to the values being shown.
Do not leave off the ends of the measured scale if they
are not infinite. At least have one end of the scale to
anchor the measurement.

3. The purpose of charts is usually to compare trends or
general magnitudes rather than provide precise data
points. Use a table to show precise data points.

4. Means by themselves do not always lend themselves
to meaningful comparison. A measure of variability is
also needed, such as error bars on a graph. This point
is explored further in the next section.



The practice of statistics grew out of a need to make sense
of inadequate data. The most basic comparison of all,
comparing two magnitudes, is usually not enough. The
polling example in the last section showed how standard
errors lend weight to a comparison between means. Let’s
look at another example that illustrates the inadequacy of

A company wants to measure the impact of its customer
service on its customers spending habits. One of the issues
they are interested in is whether customers are more
likely to increase their spending after receiving phone
support rather than email support.

When the results are plotted as histograms, it looks as if
phone outperforms email. The horizontal axis shows the
average dollar increase in spending per customer after




Republican Democrat Other

Poll Results




Republican Democrat Other

Poll Results


Republican Democrat Other

Poll Results



receiving customer support, and the vertical axis shows
indicates the number of customers. Since the blue graph is
on the right, it looks clear that phone support almost
always resulted in better outcomes than email support.
The average of the blue graph is around $5 and the
average of the red graph is about $3. The spreads of the
two graphs hardly overlap, meaning that the highest email
support customers increased their purchases only as
much as the lowest phone support customers.


Now what if the averages remain the same, but the
spreads are much wider?


In both situations, by comparing only the averages, you
might come to the same conclusion, that phone support is
better. But comparing all the data and looking at the
spread in the second graph, you see that the effects of
phone and email support overlap a lot. In fact, they
overlap so much that a statistician would say that phone
support does not result in significantly greater customer
spending, or that email support does not result in
significantly less customer spending. A statistician can
even compute roughly how likely the results from phone
support are better than the results from email support– in
this example it’s only a 50% chance – even odds.

Here is another example when the standard error is
necessary when comparing means. 2 This graphic
appeared in an Ohio newspaper in 2000:


The results suggest that Bush is ahead of Gore whether or
not other candidates are considered. However, the fine
print under the charts gives some interesting details: the
margin of error is ±4.2%. Therefore, in the second graph,
we can say that Gore’s support is really between 40.8%
and 49.2%, while Bush’s is between 44.8% and 53.2%.
Bush’s lead is not statistically significant, and this result
suggests that it wouldn’t be surprising to see another poll
that showed Gore was ahead.


Let’s say you do a survey of the house values in your
neighborhood, You compute the mean property value and
find it is $492,000. With your own house valued at
$463,000, you might feel a little depressed. But then your
wife comes over and looks at your data. She points that
the two houses on the hill are skewing your results, they
are both worth over a million dollars and so they are
pulling all the numbers north. When you remove those
houses, and a couple of other peskily high-valued houses
from the average calculation, the average drops to

The problem with means is that they can be easily skewed
by extreme high or low values. To get at a better
representation of average value, use the median. The
median house value would likely have remained around
$460,000 with or without the high-valued properties.
Whereas a mean can mislead, a median gives readers
stronger assurance that the value is a good representation
of the average. A median is preferable to calculating a
mean with outliers removed because censoring data is a
questionable step to take.


A random group of people were asked to rank their
favorite beverage, with 1 being the best. The results, when
averaged across several respondents, came out as follows:

Beverage Average Rank

Coca Cola 1.6

0 2 4 6 8









$ increase in revenue after support

Phone Email

0 5 10 15









$ increase in revenue after support

Phone Email

Pepsi 3.3
Dr. Pepper 4.4
7up 4.9
Ginger Ale 5.2

Coke proponents hailed this survey as proof that coke was
twice as popular as pepsi, since pepsi’s rank was twice as
low as coke’s. By the same reasoning, coke would be more
than 3 times as popular as ginger ale.

Why is this not a correct conclusion to make? The flaw
lies in the scale being used; the rankings from 1 to 5 were
artificially induced. A respondent who gave coke and
pepsi ranks of 1 and 2 respectively, but who liked Coke
only marginally better than Pepsi, was forced to say he
liked Coke twice as much as Pepsi – not a true divination
of his preferences. One might argue that it washes out
because there will be some other person who likes Coke
more than 4 times as much as Pepsi, but will be forced to
say the same thing, that she likes Coke only twice as much.
But how representative of the population is this situation
likely to be? There will probably not be enough of each
type to average out, and so the results will not show the
correct relative preferences.

Going from subjective preferences to objective data is
never error free, but we try to remove as much bias as we
can in order to do meaningful statistical comparisons. The
difficulties in the example above can be mitigated by
giving respondents a different way to answer. Maybe rate
each beverage individually on a scale from 1 to 10?


1. Comparing only means may lead to conclusions that
are not reliable. Adding standard errors to the
comparison provides some idea of how reliable the
difference in means actually is.

2. The proper choice of a summary statistic is not always
the mean. Medians are often a more informative

3. Be aware of the scale used to measure data – is it
artificial or real? If artificial, do the intervals from one
value to another always mean the same thing?


Some remarkable claims are made by studies which get
reported widely in the news

Cappuccino makers in home linked to healthier babies.3

Hopefully you had a twinge of suspicion when you read
that. Even caffeine-addicted parents should follow that
suspicion and think about why cappuccino makers in a
home would be correlated with healthier babies. It is
perfectly natural to find some a causal reason for why

correlations exist, and the tendency is to find a positive
explanation. Maybe something about coffee helps with the
immune system? But a more sensible explanation is only a
thought away: homes with cappuccino makers are likely
to be wealthy, and undoubtedly a lot of that wealth is used
to ensure their children’s wellbeing. So yes, cappuccino
makers and healthy babies are linked, but probably not in
any meaningful, direct way.

Almost any day, you can open a major newspaper or
magazine and find a study or a poll that has some
remarkable conclusions. Some of these studies made
headlines around the world. For example:

Hormone Replacement Therapy helps prevent
heart disease.4

This last statement was shown to be seriously flawed, and
that HRT in fact increased the chances of heart disease. In
some early studies, it appeared that HRT reduced the risk
of heart disease. The studies were later realized to be
flawed, and new studies showed that HRT was of no help,
and maybe even increased the risk of heart disease.

Let’s make a distinction between spurious correlations
and mistaking correlation for causation. Spurious
correlations occur when two visible variables are not
really linked to each other, but are both linked to a third,
hidden variable. In the case of the babies and the
cappuccino makers, the hidden variable was the wealth of
the household.


Showing that two factors are correlated sometimes

inaccurately gets describes as A causes B. For


Smoking reduces college achievement5

Opponents of smoking would take this as some
vindication of their stand. But even when a reported
correlation agrees with your belief, cultivate some
skepticism. Could we just as well have said that low
achievement drives students to smoke? Or, what third
variable may explain this relationship? (Hint: partiers are
less likely to study, more likely to be in social smoking

More often than not, mistaking correlation with causality
is done innocently, when a writer makes a leap from the
statistical facts to his or her own preconceptions. A
causation link should only be put forward if there is
reasonable evidence for it, and no compelling reasons
against it. For example, the causal link between MMR
vaccinations and autism can be considered just a
correlation. A 1998 study spurred concern and
controversy by linking MMR vaccines to autism, but was

retracted by most of the study’s authors in 2004. 6
Children are identified with autism around the same age
as when they are receiving vaccinations, and so the link
may go both ways. Reasons against a causal link from
vaccinations to autism include several scientific studies
that did not find a link. Evidence for the causal link
remains at the correlational level. Therefore, the CDC still
maintains no causal connection between the two.


1. Do not take reported relationships at their face value,
especially if you cannot see a direct, causal link
between them. There may be a common-sense reason
why they are linked through a third, unreported

2. Do not confuse correlation (two variables seeming to
have a relationship) with causation (one variable
causes the other to change).

3. One way of figuring out that a causal link does not
exist is to ask yourself if the “effect” may not in fact
cause the “cause”.

4. Beware of reports that give a causal explanation
based on just one study.

5. Statistical analyses can never give a causal answer.
6. If you have access to the study, even a quick

examination of the survey questions or study
methodology may reveal that the correlation may be


Students of statistics courses often come away with the
notion that attaining statistical significance is the
paramount goal of statistical testing. That is true a lot of
the time; the goal is indeed to show statistically significant
changes in metrics or statistically significant differences
between groups. But like so much in statistics, results
should be taken with a healthy helping of common sense.

A company marketing a new brand wanted to increase the
number of new customers, and wanted to know whether
to it would be more cost effective to obtain them through
affiliates or directly through their own advertising
campaigns. Analyses of their customer acquisition
channels showed that each customer cost $30 on average
to acquire through affiliates, and $23 through advertising.
The difference was $7 ± $2.20, a 95% confidence interval
of ($4.80, $9.20). Since each customer was assumed to
have the same lifetime value no matter how he or she was
acquired, revenue considerations required the difference
to be at least $10 for direct advertising to be worthwhile.
So although this difference in acquisition costs between
the two approaches was statistically significant, it wasn’t
large enough to justify the higher of affiliate incentive. It
was not of practical significance.

A few years ago, a widely reported study of breast cancer
and low fat diets stated that the difference in cancer
returning between the control group and the low-fat diet
group was 25%, a statistically significant difference.That
is, people with low-fat diets had a 25% less chance of
cancer returning. A closer look at the results showed they
were not as salutary as they appeared. The actual return
rates were 12.4% and 9.8% respectively, a difference of
2.6%. (The writer of the original report got 25% by
dividing 9.8 by 2.6). So is this statistically significant
difference of practical significance? A lot of people would
say no, but maybe someone facing the risk of cancer
returning would grasp this is definitely practically
interesting. Other criticisms of this result are given in the
next section.

William Kruskal, an eminent statistician long at the
University of Chicago, an editor of the International
Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, and a former
president of the American Statistical Association had this
to say when asked “Why did significance testing get so
badly mixed up, even in the hands of professional
statisticians?” “Well,” said Kruskal, who long ago had
published in the Encyclopedia a devastating survey on
“significance” in theory and practice7, “I guess it’s a cheap
way to get marketable results.” 8


1. A statistically significant result is not an end in itself.
Take a look at the actual numerical difference and
decide whether or not it is of practical interest.

2. In traditional hypothesis testing, a result can be made
statistically significant simply by increasing the
number of subjects or sampled data points. Beware of
results with small effects and large sample sizes.



Scientists and politicians are both known for decrying the
misquotes in the media to which they are subjected. In the
case of scientists, it occurs when the carefully structured
world of jargon and assumptions is transmitted to the
everyday world, with a lot lost in the translation. To be
fair to journalists, sometimes the scientists help the hype,
the publicity will result in more research funding.

The following example shows how results can get
mistranslated. As an example of a scientific study that
received much world press, and consequently much
criticism for the erroneous reporting of its results, take a
look at the study in 2005 that claimed that a low-fat diet
reduces the risk of breast cancer returning9. This is an
encouraging finding, and was grabbed on by health
advocates everywhere. The newspaper reports made one

think that taking fat out of one’s diet would drastically
reduce the risk of getting breast cancer. Even a slightly
skeptical reader would suspect that there are some
qualifiers to this statement. In fact, if they were to go
through the actual data, they might want to reconsider the
impact of these results.

In the previous section, we saw that the size of the effect
was reported as a 25% reduction in risk in women with
low-fat diets. This reduction was not actually as dramatic
as it sounded, since the actual difference in breast cancer
reductions between the control and low-fat diet groups
was 2.6%.

Then, consider the sample – the study was restricted to a
particular subset of women – women who had had
surgery and certain drugs. This brings up questions about
the generalizability of the results to all women. Further
details emerged that even within the sample, the
difference was observed in only a small subset of women.
The women in whom a significant reduction in tumors
was observed were women whose tumors were not
helped to regrow by estrogen, and they constituted only
about 20% of the study sample.

Finally, we wonder whether this may not be a case of
spurious correlation. The low-fat diet group lost on
average 4 pounds, and lower weight has been linked to
lower breast cancer risk. Exercise too has a similar link. So
could exercise and lower weight be more direct links to
breast cancer reduction? In consideration with other
studies10, the chances are that there is little evidence for a
causal link between a low-fat diet and lower risk of cancer

Why did the media make a big fuss about these results?
We may put it down to drawing erroneous verbal
conclusions from a misunderstanding of statistics and the
research design.

Another example in which many of those affected have
argued statistics lead to erroneous conclusions is the
annual US News & World Report’s ranking of colleges.
These rankings are so well-known that they presumably
drive a lot of applications to colleges ranked favorably.
The impression one takes away from the rankings is that
the top-ranked schools are the best places an
undergraduate can prosper and gain a solid foothold into
the post-college world. The typical reader assumes they
are fine in taking the rankings at face value as an objective
ranking of the best colleges in the US.

But what about the fine print? The rankings are a result of
combining many factors together, and they are only as
objective and comparable as the factors that go into
making them. If one were to change the criteria that go
into making these rankings, the rankings themselves may

well change. This actually happened in 1999 when a new
statistician at US News & World Report implemented a
new methodology. However, the methodology was
changed back and the old rankings reasserted
themselves.11 Many colleges feel that these factors are not
valid and objective for various reasons – one of the
criticisms is that the weightings used in the formula are
changed every year without any empirical support,
ensuring that the same schools appear at the top. In 2007
about 80 colleges resolved not to participate in the
surveys that feed the rankings (none of the 80 comprise
the report’s very top colleges).12

So although it is tempting to take this surveys at face
value, it is important not to be lulled into making
erroneous verbal conclusions. The underlying
methodology may not provide the objectivity that is


Research articles in medical journals often carry notes
about possible conflicts of interest that the authors may
have. This is important to maintain the impartiality of
scientific research, and not to have certain results
promoted because of financial interests. You would not
want to buy drugs that are on the market because the
researchers who validated these drugs have a financial
stake in the companies manufacturing them. Just as you
would be suspicious of a report stating that outsourcing
helps grow America’s economy, and finding that report
was contracted by multinational corporations who need
to cut costs.

Some studies make a big splash in the media without the
interests of the study authors being fully revealed. A
recent study made headlines by claiming that children
who went to pre-school were more likely to be aggressive
than children who stayed at home. This persuaded a lot of
parents to keep their children at home.

The study failed to mention that children at this age would
display the same behavior in any social situation. Even
kids who stay at home, but meet other toddlers in other
social situations would display the same behavior.
“Aggressive” was defined as stealing toys, pushing others
and starting fights.

The study was funded by a mother support group, who
had an interest in getting the result that they did. A study
done by another group found that toddlers who stayed at
home in fact ended up being more aggressive later in life.
But as of now, I don’t know what affiliation this other
group has, and their agenda, if any.


The news abounds with all sorts of numbers –

3 million illegal aliens cross over into the US
$250,000,000 lost in productivity due to fantasy
The GDP of the United States was $13 trillion in
Obesity kills 400,000 Americans annually

How do these numbers come about, Are there people
assiduously counting and assessing, making thoughtful
judgments about each one? It would be nice to think so,
but reality is probably not as comforting. For example, the
statistic of 3 million illegal aliens coming into the US
appeared in a Time magazine story and was reproduced
without question in other stories. Since we don’t catch all
these illegal aliens, the number must be an estimate – how
would this statistic have been estimated? Professor Paulos
in his ABC News column, “Who’s Counting”, explained it
nicely. 13 This particular number started with border
agents stating that they catch about 1 million people
annually – then they guesstimated that for every person
they catch, about 3 make it over safely. Thus we get 3
million. Since have no idea how accurate the 1:3 odds of
making it across the border are, and the border agents
did not give any rationale for it other than a hunch, the 3
million figure could be wildly off.

Then, since many people try multiple times to get across
the border, 1 million apprehensions does not mean 1
million unique persons. We have no real way of knowing
how many fewer it really is, but 1 million is a liberal upper
bound. But whatever the machinations behind these
estimates, the figure of 3 million illegal aliens is likely to
stay and be repeated by news sources.

Another quick example is the $250 million lost because of
fantasy football. The figure was reported by National
Public Radio, and it makes one wonder how that was
calculated. Various other news sources have given other
estimates, with the NPR figure being among the lowest.
Forbes magazine14 reported $7.6 billion. The wide range
of estimates should give one pause, and is evidence that
different assumptions lead to very different estimates for
what is supposedly the same quantity. The assumptions
may include

A final example is the revelation that 400,000 Americans
die of obesity every year15. The number was originally
reported as 300,000 and it arose from a study published
by Professor David Allison in 1999 in the Journal of the
American Medical Association (JAMA). He had received
funding from a large number of weight-loss companies
like Jenny Craig, Weight-watchers, and pharmaceutical
companies that manufactured weight-loss pills (see the
previous section “Who’s Paying For It”). In 2004, the
Centers for Disease Control followed Professor Allison’s
methodology and upped the figure to 400,000. One of the
consequences of this move was that a number of lawsuits
were flung against restaurants for causing obesity. A few

skeptics of this figure, including scientists at the CDC itself,
were not loud enough to be hard over the storm.

After a lot of media furor, the statistical methodology in
that particular report by the CDC was shown to be flawed
and the data used was incomplete. The CDC rectified it by
publishing another report that reduced the number to
112,000 deaths a year,16 a dramatic difference.


1. A large round number is likely to be a an estimate
based on a number of guesses. It takes just one guess
to be off for the whole estimate to be wrong.

2. Look at who’s providing the number – they may be
ratcheting it up or down to suit their own agenda.

3. It’s not always easy to get at the data that was used to
provide the guesstimate, but if you can, see if the
extrapolation makes sense to you.

4. Just because the number was printed by a well-known
news source does not mean it’s correct. Do not be
overcome by the halo effect – just because a news
source is widely read does not mean all its facts are

Rahul Dodhia is the owner of Raven Analytics. Send
comments to [email protected]

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