of Leadership


Instructions for Using the Template Comment by GCU: Remove the Instructions once you have carefully read through this section.
General Information
The GCU dissertation template is designed to make the task of writing your dissertation as straightforward as possible. The basic guidelines for completing the proposal/dissertation manuscript are contained in this template. Please note that dissertation requirements may change over time as new designs, types of analyses and research paradigms enter the research literature. As such, it is possible that the template contains omissions, inconsistencies, or minor errors. In service to addressing these potential issues, the dissertation template is updated on a regular basis. As an independent doctoral level researcher, it is your responsibility to check regularly for template updates and to use the most current version of the template. If you need clarification or have questions, please contact your chair.
All template formatting directions must be followed, and all rubric requirements must be satisfied or addressed. There are many important instructions in the text that describes most sections. The template includes many “bubble comments” that appear in a special margin on the far right of the document. To make sure you can see these comments, choose the Review menu tab from the Word ribbon (top of the page), and in the Tracking group make certain that All Markup is selected in the first dropdown box. Comment by GCU: What you are reading right now is a bubble comment!
The template relies heavily on a Microsoft Word tool called Styles. Most Word users can see the current Word styles on the Home menu in what is called the Style Gallery in the right half of the menu ribbon. The style of the currently selected text is highlighted in the gallery (you may have to scroll up or down to see the current style). This template uses styles for headings, lists, and other formatting. Information on using Word styles in the template is contained either in the template text or bubble comments. Please follow all formatting directions, failure to do so may delay reviews and progression through the dissertation milestones.
Learners should note that the Word styles used in this template are “linked” within Word to this document. As long as you use this template as the basis for your document, the correct styles will be available. However, if you open a blank Word document and copy/paste from this template, the template styles generally will not copy with the text. Because of this, it is a good practice to always copy to or edit in this document. If for some reason you need a blank document with the Word styles from this template, use CTRL+A to select the entire template and then press Delete. You will now have a blank document based on this template. You can be certain that the correct Word styles are attached to your document if the text “QUALITATIVE GCU Dissertation Template V9.0 08.10.2020” appears in the footer of the page.
The more closely you follow the template format and rubrics, the smoother will be the review and ultimate approval process. If you have questions about anything in the template, please contact your committee chair for guidance. Good luck in your dissertation journey! Listed below are some recommendations to successfully use this template:
Instructions for Using the Dissertation Template
1. Please note with this version 9.0, there is no longer a separate proposal template. Chapters 1-3 constitute the proposal.

2. Carefully read narrative for each chapter and section to know what is required and find important tips for completing each section. Please note text in red font as critical information in writing your manuscript.
3. Carefully review each criterion listed in the rubric below each section for very specific details for how the sections will be evaluated.
4. Ensure you have addressed all the required criteria for each section. Write to the criteria table (embedded rubric) requirement and make it clear in your writing when addressing each criterion.
5. Do not alter key Level 1 headings or the Level 2 or 3 subheadings within the template. These headings are used to build the automated Table of Contents. If the headings are altered, you will need to reassign appropriate level headings in Word in order to appropriate format the manuscript.
6. Dissertation committee members DO NOT EDIT and are not responsible for editing documents. They may point out errors and indicate what needs corrections. All dissertation artifacts need to be written at the doctoral level appropriate for scholarly research and publication, including meeting APA requirements for tables, figures, citations, references, and formatting as specified in the template.
7. It is critical that you edit and proofread this dissertation document prior to submitting it to your chair, committee members, and reviewers. Writing errors such as bad grammar, spelling mistakes, poor paragraph and sentence structures, and incoherence are common mistakes may result in documents being returned for correction and delays in your progression.
8. Plagiarism and citing authors as having said something you believe they meant, or you hoped they meant are considered ethical violations and may be subject to code of conduct per university policy. GCU uses plagiarism software to check dissertations for plagiarism.
9. Use clear and consistent file naming nomenclature and version control instructions. This practice is critical to ensure your chair and committee members are reviewing the correct document. Work with your chair to establish a preferred format. For example: lastname.firstname.file name.version #.date;
a. Smith.Linda.Proposal_Draft.v. or
b. Jones.Theo.Dissertation_Draft.v.
10. Use two computer monitors when working on your dissertation. Show the template itself on one monitor, and the template in which you are writing your proposal or dissertation on the other monitor. This process will help ensure you are reviewing the narrative in each section you are writing and addressing all required criteria for that section.
11. Order a hard copy of the latest APA Manual, keep it on hand, and refer to it often while writing your dissertation. This will save many hours in formatting. Several items to note regarding APA 7.0 and the dissertation template:
12. Number of spaces after a period. APA 7.0 recommends one space after the terminal punctuation in a sentence. In the current V.9 template one space is used after terminal punctuation in a sentence. Please note that GCU will accept one or two spaces if it is consistent across the entire manuscript.
13. Level 3 headings: Note that in the APA 7th Edition, Level 3 headings are now on a separate line, flush left, Title Case, bolded and italicized. This template has been updated to conform to APA 7th edition.
14. Your dissertation should be written in clear, concise language consistent with doctoral level research standards in peer reviewed publications in your topic area. Personal opinions, unsubstantiated research claims, inadvertent plagiarism, as well as improper citations and references are common scholarly writing mistakes that may delay development of the dissertation proposal or final manuscript. Please note that plagiarism is a serious ethical violation with resulting university disciplinary action per the University Policy Handbook.
15. Remember your dissertation will be read and evaluated by many scholars and professionals interested in your research. You are ultimately responsible for the quality of your dissertation study and the final manuscript. This template is intended to assist you in conducting your research and writing the best possible dissertation. The quality of your work represents your credibility as a doctoral scholar. Please use this important template resource as recommended in service to helping you to produce a high quality, scholarly dissertation that you are proud to publish!


Ten Strategic Points

Complete the Ten Strategic Points document below for your chair and committee members to reference during review of your proposal or dissertation. The Ten Strategic Points represents the foundational elements of your study, must be aligned, and should be continuously updated as appropriate based on each iteration of your proposal or dissertation document. For additional detail on the Ten Strategic Points refer to the full document located on the DC Network> Dissertation Resources>Folder 05 Dissertation Template. Please Note: The Ten Strategic Points should be moved to Appendix A in the final dissertation manuscript before moving into Level 7 Form and Formatting.

Ten Strategic Points Comment by GCU: Do not remove until Level 7 Review – Form and Formatting
The ten strategic points emerge from researching literature on a topic, which is based on, or aligned with a defined need or problem space within the literature as well as the learner’s personal passion, future career purpose, and degree area. The Ten Strategic Points document includes the following key points that define the research focus and approach:

Strategic Points Descriptor

Learner Strategic Points for Proposed Study Comment by GCU: Delete bulleted items within each box as you add your Ten Strategic Points information based on each descriptor.


Dissertation Topic- Provides a broad research topic area/title.

· Topic comes out of the problem space supported by the literature, not the learner’s head or personal agenda
· Aligned to the learners’ program of study, and ideally the emphasis area
· Researchable and feasible to complete within the learners’ doctoral program, including extension courses as needed.
· Focused


Review – Lists primary points for four sections in the Review: (a) Background of the problem and the need for the study based on citations from the literature; (b) Theoretical foundations (Theories, models, and concepts) and if appropriate the conceptual framework to provide the foundation for study); (c) Review of literature topics with key themes for each one; (d) Summary.

· Background to the problem
· is predominantly from past 5 years
· Historical treatment of problem being studied
· Clearly defines a stated need
· Theoretical foundation
· Theories, models, or concepts and if appropriate the conceptual framework are described to guide the research and the data collection
· Review of literature topics
· Relevant to the topic
· Demonstrates breadth of knowledge


Problem Statement – Describes the problem to address through the study based on defined needs or problem space supported by the literature

· Statement is structured appropriate for the design
· Researchable
· Qualitative: Phenomena to be better understood


Sample and Location – Identifies sample, needed sample size, and location (study phenomena with small numbers).

· Size is appropriate for design
· Likely to be able to access it/get permission
· Identify alternative to their organization (associations, community orgs, research companies, snowball sampling, etc.)


Research Questions – Provides research questions to collect data to address the problem statement.

· Appropriate for the design
· Resulting data will address the problem statement
· Minimum of 2


Phenomenon – Describes the phenomenon to be better understood (qualitative).

· Qualitative: Describe the phenomenon to be better understood


Methodology and Design – Describes the selected methodology and specific research design to address the problem statement and research questions.

· Methodology and design sections
· Appropriate for problem statement
· Justifies the methodology or design using problem statement and citations
· Methodology does not discuss design, instrument, data collection
· Design does not discuss instrument, data collection, data analysis


Purpose Statement – Provides one sentence statement of purpose including the problem statement, methodology, design, target population, and location.

· Purpose statement = Methodology + design + problem statement + sample + location


Data Collection – Describes primary instruments and sources of data to answer research questions.

· Qualitative: Includes at least two data rich collection approaches or data sources; case study has minimum of 3; quantitative data can be collected to support qualitative sources; demographics are identified and appropriate to the study (but are not counted as a data source)
· Describes various permissions needed; sample and sampling approach; recruiting and selecting final sample; data collection steps; how data will be stored, security maintained, privacy maintained


Data Analysis – Describes the specific data analysis approaches to be used to address research questions.

· Qualitative: Include descriptive statistics; analytic approach appropriate for specific design; summary specific to the design
· Data analysis approach aligned to the design and RQs

The Proposal Title Appears in Title Case and is Centered Comment by GCU: American Psychological Association (APA) Style is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences. This resource, revised according to the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, offers examples for the general format of APA research papers, in-text citations, footnotes, and the reference page. For specifics, consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition, second printing. For additional information on APA Style, consult the APA website:

NOTE: All notes and comments are keyed to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition, second printing.

Dissertations must be 12 –point Times New Roman typeface, double-spaced on quality standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″) with 1-in. margins on the top, bottom, and right side. For binding purposes, the left margin is 1.5 in. [8.03]. To set this in Word, go to:

Page Layout >
Page Setup>
Margins >
Custom Margins>
Top: 1” Bottom: 1”
Left: 1.5” Right: 1”
Click “Okay”

Page Layout>

NOTE: All text lines are double-spaced. This includes the title, headings, formal block quotes, references, footnotes, and figure captions. Single-spacing is only used within tables, figures, and bulleted lists [8.03].

The first line of each paragraph is indented 0.5 in. Use the tab key which should be set at five to seven spaces [8.03]. If a white tab appears in the comment box, click on the tab to read additional information included in the comment box. Comment by GCU: Formatting note: The effect of the page being centered with a 1.5″ left margin is accomplished by the use of the first line indent here. However, it would be correct to not use the first line indent and set the actual indent for these title pages at 1.5.” Comment by GCU: If the title is longer than one line, double-space it. As a rule, the title should be approximately 12 words. Titles should be descriptive and concise with no abbreviations, jargon, or obscure technical terms. The title should be typed in uppercase and lowercase letters [2.01], also known as “Title Case.”
Twelve words will fit on the spine of the printed dissertation.
Submitted by
Insert Your Full Legal Name (No Titles, Degrees, or Academic Credentials) Comment by GCU: For example: Raven Marie Garcia

Equal Spacing
~2.0” – 2.5”

A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Education
(or) Doctor of Philosophy
(or) Doctor of Administration

Equal Spacing~2.0” – 2.5” Comment by GCU: Delete yellow highlighted “Helps” as your research project develops.

Grand Canyon University
Phoenix, Arizona Comment by GCU: HINT: There are several “styles” that have been set up in this GCU Template. When you work on your proposal or dissertation, “save as” this template in order to preserve and make use of the preset styles. This will save you hours of work!

[Insert Current Date Until Date of Dean’s Signature]
QUAL GCU Dissertation Template V9.0 Final 08-10-20_cnb 7 am
QUALITATIVE GCU Dissertation Template V9.0 08-10-2020

© by Your Full Legal Name (No Titles, Degrees, or Academic Credentials), 20xx Comment by GCU: NOTE: This is an optional page. If copyright is not desired, delete this page. The copyright page is included in the final dissertation and not part of the proposal. Comment by GCU: For example: © by Xavier William Lopez, 2020

This page is centered. This page is counted, not numbered, and should not appear in the Table of Contents.
All rights reserved.

QUALITATIVE GCU Dissertation Template V9.0 08-10-2020

The Dissertation Title Appears in Title Case and is Centered Comment by GCU: If the title is longer than one line, double-space it. The title should be typed in upper and lowercase letters, also known as “Title Case.”


Insert Learner Full Legal Name (No Titles, Degrees, or Academic Credentials) Comment by GCU: For example: Jane Elizabeth Smith

Successfully Defended and Approved by All Dissertation Committee Members
[Insert Date]

The following committee members certify they have read and approve this dissertation and deem it fully adequate in scope and quality as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of XXX.

Full Legal Name, EdD, DBA, or PhD, Dissertation Chair
Full Legal Name, EdD, DBA, or PhD, Committee Member
Full Legal Name, EdD, DBA, or PhD, Committee Member


________________________________________ ____________________
Michael R. Berger, EdD Date
Dean, College of Doctoral Studies

GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Comment by GCU: This page is only included in the final dissertation and not part of the proposal. However, the learner is responsible for ensuring the proposal and dissertation are original research, that all scholarly sources are accurately reported, cited, and referenced, and the study protocol was executed and complies with the IRB approval granted by GCU.

The Dissertation Title Appears in Title Case and is Centered

I verify that my dissertation represents original research, is not falsified or plagiarized, and that I accurately reported, cited, and referenced all sources within this manuscript in strict compliance with APA and Grand Canyon University (GCU) guidelines. I also verify my dissertation complies with the approval(s) granted for this research investigation by GCU Institutional Review Board (IRB).

[Wet Signature Required]
_____________________________________________ ______________________
[Type Doctoral Learner Name Beneath Signature line] Date Comment by GCU: This page requires a “wet signature.”
Remove the brackets and type in the learner’s name.

The learner needs to sign and date this page and insert a copy into the dissertation manuscript as an image (JPEG) or PDF text box. This page must be signed and dated prior to final AQR Level 5 review.

Abstract Comment by GCU: On the first line of the page, center the word “Abstract” (boldface) Style with “TOC Heading”

Beginning with the next line, write the abstract. Abstract text is one paragraph with no indentation and is double-spaced. This page is counted, not numbered, and does not appear in the Table of Contents.

Abstracts do not include references or citations.

The abstract must fit on one page.

The abstract is only included in the final dissertation and not part of the proposal.

The abstract is the most important component of your dissertation! It is required for the dissertation manuscript only. The abstract is typically the last item written and should be updated based on final acceptance of manuscript by the dissertation committee members and reviewer(s). The abstract is intended as a precise, non-evaluative, summary of the entire dissertation presenting the major elements and findings of the study in a highly condensed format. Although few people typically read the full dissertation, the abstract will be read by many scholars and researchers. Consequently, great care must be taken in writing this page of the dissertation. The content of the abstract should mirror the structure of the entire dissertation, covering the research problem purpose of the study to solve the problem, theoretical foundation, research questions stated in narrative format, sample, location, methodology, design, data sources, data analysis approach, major findings or trends based on the analysis. The most important finding(s) should state the themes that support the conclusion(s). The abstract should close with a conclusion statement of the study implications and contributions to the field. The abstract does not appear in the table of contents and has no page number. The abstract is double-spaced, fully justified with no indentations or citations, and no longer than one page. Refer to the APA Publication Manual, 7th Edition, for additional guidelines for the development of the dissertation abstract. Make sure to add the keywords at the bottom of the abstract to assist future researchers. Comment by GCU: Please note this is crucial and must be included in the abstract at the final dissertation stage.

The most common error in abstracts is failure to present results.

This is required for dean’s signature.

Keywords: Abstract, one-page, vital information
Comment by GCU: Librarians and researchers use the abstract and keywords to catalogue and locate vital research material.


*(Score = 0, 1, 2, or 3)

Learner Score

Chair Score

Methodologist Score

Content Expert Score


(Dissertation Only—Not Required for the Proposal)

(one page)

The abstract provides a succinct summary of the study and MUST include: the purpose of the study, theoretical foundation, research questions stated in narrative format, sample, location, methodology, design, data sources, data analysis, results, and a valid conclusion of the research. Note: The most important finding(s) should be stated with actual codes and resulting themes data/numbers (qualitative).

The abstract is written in APA format, one paragraph fully justified with no indentations, double-spaced with no citations, one page, and includes key search words. Keywords are on a new line and indented.

The abstract is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, punctuation, and APA format.

*Score each requirement listed in the criteria table using the following scale:

0 = Item Not Present or Unacceptable. Substantial Revisions are Required.
1 = Item is Present. Does Not Meet Expectations. Revisions are Required.
2 = Item is Acceptable. Meets Expectations. Some Revisions May be Suggested or Required.
3 = Item Exceeds Expectations. No Revisions are Required.

Reviewer Comments:

Dedication Comment by GCU: The Dedication page is the first page in the dissertation with a Roman Numeral. In the final dissertation, this is usually page vi, so we have set it as vi.
An optional dedication may be included here. While a dissertation is an objective, scientific document, this is the place to use the first person and to be subjective. The dedication page is numbered with a Roman numeral, but the page number does not appear in the Table of Contents. It is only included in the final dissertation and is not part of the proposal. If this page is not to be included, delete the heading, the body text, and the page break below. Comment by GCU: If you cannot see the page break, click on the top toolbar in Word (Home). Click on the paragraph icon. ¶Show/Hide button (go to the Home tab and then to the Paragraph toolbar).

Acknowledgments Comment by GCU: See formatting note for Dedication
An optional acknowledgements page can be included here. This is another place to use the first person. If applicable, acknowledge and identify grants and other means of financial support. Also acknowledge supportive colleagues who rendered assistance. The acknowledgments page is numbered with a Roman numeral, but the page number does not appear in the table of contents. This page provides a formal opportunity to thank family, friends, and faculty members who have been helpful and supportive. The acknowledgements page is only included in the final dissertation and is not part of the proposal. If this page is not to be included, delete the heading, the body text, and the page break below. Comment by GCU: If you cannot see the page break, click on the top toolbar in Word (Home). Click on the paragraph icon. ¶Show/Hide button (go to the Home tab and then to the Paragraph toolbar).

Do not use section breaks except those preset in the template! They reset the pagination.

Table of Contents Comment by GCU: This is an automatic Table of Contents. This means that Word “reads” the headings and subheadings in the document that have been “styled,” and generates/updates the TOC. This is a time saver and ensures the headings and subheadings in the TOC exactly match those in the text.

The preferences for all styles in this template have already been set.

The Table of Contents pages are counted and show a Roman numeral page number at the top right. The page number is right justified. The page number should not be listed in the Table of Contents.

NOTE: The Table of Contents must be 12-point Times New Roman typeface, double-spaced. Titles that are longer than one line should be single spaced, and double spaced between entries. All the styles (TOC 1, TOC 2, TOC 3) have been set up this way already.

Unlike the body of the dissertation, the Table of Contents is right justified, (i.e., not ragged right). Dot leaders must be used. Title should be styled as “TOC Heading” (double spaced, no indent, bold, “keep with next”). The TOC styles have been set up this way in the template already.

The Table of Contents reflects the specific levels of organization within the dissertation. All major (chapter) headings must be worded exactly the same and occur in the same order as they do in the GCU dissertation template. Any heading that appears in the Table of Contents must appear in the text, and any heading in the text must appear in the Table of Contents. As noted elsewhere in this comment, as long as you use this automatic TOC, the headings in the TOC will match those in the text since the automatic TOC “reads” the styles of the headings in the text.

Subheadings differentiate subsections of each chapter, are single-spaced and upper and lowercase.

In the Table of Contents, these
TOC1: Left: 0″, Hanging: 0.5″ Tab stops: 6″
TOC2: Left: -0.25″, First line Indent 0.5: Tab stops: 6″
TOC 3: Left: 0.63”; no first line indent, Tab stops: 6″

The headings and subheadings in the Table of Contents must exactly match the text body, and they will do so automatically when you use this automatic TOC (which “reads” the headings in the text. Comment by GCU: HINT! If you see lots of text (not just headings) when you update the TOC, that means that those sections of text have been styled as a heading, rather than as “Normal” or List Bullet or List Number. Fix this IN THE TEXT (not in the TOC!!)
List of Tables xii
List of Figures xiii
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study 1
Introduction 1
Background of the Study 7
Definition of Terms 9
Anticipated Limitations 12
Summary and Organization of the Remainder of the Study 13
Chapter 2: Review 17
Introduction to the Chapter and Background to the Problem 17
Identification of the Problem Space 19
Theoretical Foundations 23
Review of the 27
Problem Statement 34
Summary 36
Chapter 3: Methodology 38
Introduction 38
Purpose of the Study 39
Research Questions 40
Rationale for a Qualitative Methodology 41
Rationale for Research Design 42
Population and Sample Selection 44
Qualitative Sample Size 45
Recruiting and Sampling Strategy 45
Sources of Data 47
Research Data 48
Additional Data 49
Trustworthiness 52
Credibility 53
Dependability 54
Transferability 54
Confirmability 55
Data Collection and Management 57
Data Analysis Procedures 60
Ethical Considerations 62
Assumptions, and Delimitations 66
Assumptions 66
Delimitations 67
Summary 68
Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Results 70
Introduction 70
Preparation of Raw Data for Analysis and Descriptive Data 72
Preparation of Raw Data for Analysis 72
Descriptive Data 73
Data Analysis Procedures 77
Reflexivity Protocol 78
Data Analysis Steps 78
Results 80
Presenting the Results 80
Limitations 86
Summary 88
Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations 90
Introduction and Summary of …

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